Body Language of an Alpha Male – A Complete Guide

One of the ways to quickly identify a dominant, attractive man is by body language. You may be a guy with a lot of skills, humor, friends and money – but the eyes determine a huge part in how people perceive you – and this is when the alpha body language comes into play. It conveys power, integrity and openness.

Here you’ll learn all the secrets that make a man a people magnet. I will go through the details from head to feet, so you won’t miss any important body part that can serve what you want to communicate as a man.

Why is Body Language so Critical for Men?

Know those people who catch your attention and curiosity even without saying a word? Since you’re a man, these are probably not the clothes they wear – but their body language. A man can have a significant impact on how the environment perceives him. This effect is different between men and women.

Influence on Men

  1. Keep bullies away. When men see a man with a strong, safe and open body language, they tend to feel somewhat threatened by him. Of course I don’t mean fear or a strong negative feeling, but a certain degree of caution towards him.
    Just like children and teenagers, men will sometimes look for weakness in other men around them to feel superior. Sometimes they don’t settle for this feeling, and wish to prove this superiority to the environment. Bullies. While in our childhood their need was expressed as insulting or physical violence, today as we’re older, such attacks are done more quietly: Mocking, disrespect, etc.
    However, when you’re demonstrating a body language that characterizes alpha, potential bullies feel threatened – because with an assured and open body language, who knows why you’re so confident in yourself? You must have a good reason and it’s better to look for another victim instead.
    From the moment I began to use the techniques when I was 15 years old (from the limited and dubious information available then) the frequency of bullying me extremely dropped. I won’t exaggerate if I’ll say that at-least once a week bullies would hurt me (mostly verbally, sometimes physically – not the best neighborhood and school), and since the conscious change in body language – I don’t recall it happening any more, not even once! Realize how powerful body language is for men.
  2. Appearance of a quality, approachable man. It’s much more inviting to talk to a man whose body language conveys positivity and energy. You’ll be surprised to see how many guys start talking to you just like that. It’ll take you a while to get used to it.
    Of course, this doesn’t end with idle talk – the feeling of “there’s a quality man here” also relates to the world of business. Body language is a significant factor in choosing a business partner or employee.
    Therefore, it’s not impossible to assume that you will get more business offers in addition to the social ones.

Influence on Women

Women are programmed to seek the alpha in the group. They have dozens of ways to accomplish this task successfully. One of them begins in the very early stages of knowing a person – even before the first word has been said – the man’s body language.

The way you look at the girl, the small movements that communicate confidence, the way you sit, etc. all give her a tremendous amount of information to work with, and decide whether to label you as a potential mate. Powerful body language can definitely be the difference between an attractive man and an everyday beta.

Head / Face

The face area is where most of the people who interact with you look. So in a way, our face is the most important part of body language. This isn’t an exaggerated statement, we’re able to convey and understand a huge amount of information only from a small facial movement. So how does the upper part of the alpha body look like?

Head-Neck Position

The more we’ve crawled into the digital world in recent decades, and especially since the smartphone’s release in 2007, the more we’ve been bending our necks forward. Our usage of mobile phone is 99% of the time with a head down and a bent neck. The remaining percent, if you wondered, is the moments when we take a picture.

Over time, our neck becomes accustomed to this unhealthy, bent posture. The muscles that surround our neck get weak from disuse, and slowly, “head down” becomes a default in our posture. To know how to straighten your head back to a healthy position, here are some excellent methods:

  • Wall straightening. Stick to the wall so that you touch it with your buttocks, shoulder blades and the bulgy bone at the back of your head. Remember how this posture feels and try to mimic it even when standing without a wall behind you. After you succeed a few times, keep this position while walking – which is the hard part that requires a lot of practice.
  • Chin and floor are parallel. You can use a mirror to make sure your chin (more like the lower part of your jaw) is parallel to the floor. This ensures you keep your head up and your neck straight.
  • Look ahead. Try to aim for a situation where when you look forward, the object located 160 feet (50 meters) from you is positioned at your eye level. For example, if your head is slightly down, your eyes will probably see the floor, and you should raise your head as needed.

Eye Contact

The problem of most men today in making effective eye contact is one of the two:

  1. Too little eye contact. The feeling that the other person gets from a man that doesn’t maintain enough eye contact in conversation can be either lack of interest or serious shyness.
  2. Too much eye contact. When a man exaggerates and makes eye contact without intervals, the other person feels uneasy and stressed. The conversation becomes very intense and unpleasant.

Where’s the perfect balance? I suggest you aim for roughly 70% eye contact during the conversation. After practicing a few conversations you will feel how this ratio is more or less done naturally.

You will also find out how a long look at the person in front of you comes at the expense of listening, and the occasional eye-wandering will not only make the conversation more comfortable but also allow you to listen carefully to what’s being said.

Averting / Looking Down

You probably know the situation where you look at a random girl, she glances back and you quickly look away, squinting in another direction or looking down. At that moment you communicated a message to the girl (or any person): “I did something wrong, I’m sorry“.

Of course this is a foolish behavior (I myself have sinned a lot with this and corrected things only recently). When you look at a person, you don’t do anything wrong, not even rude. You’re in a space and there are people around you, it’s natural that you look and examine your surroundings.

Obviously, you shouldn’t make people uncomfortable and stare at them like a psychopath – look away after a few moments. But suddenly averting? Turning your head quickly? Burying your gaze in the ground? All a clear sign of low status.

When a girl “catches” you looking at her, just smile a little. If she smiles back – fine. If she doesn’t respond, look away smoothly – there’s no need to embarrass her. It’s only important that you don’t “flee”. You have nothing to be ashamed of and your body language doesn’t need to communicate an apology.


When people feel somewhat uncomfortable, they tend to purse their lips. Sometimes the physical expression isn’t done exactly by pursing but through some kind of touch on the lips. Here are some examples:

  • Pursing of the lip (most common).
  • Licking the lower lip.
  • Biting the lower lip.
  • Wiping the palm of the hand over the mouth (usually continues to massaging the chin or beard).

An interesting explanation for why we’re so obsessed with our lips is that we have a lot of nerve endings on them. From infancy we’re used that the lips are a source of comfort for us, as with a pacifier. It’s possible that we’re still touching our lips today to create psychological soothing.

Illustration of the unpleasantness smile. Photo: huntingdesigns

A lot of men walk around with pursed lips in their daily lives. It’s easy to know when they fake a smile. The feeling that pursed lips convey is exactly what they feel: Slight discomfort, stress. Not really the natural state of an alpha male, right?

Pay attention to all the times you’re in a public place and purse your lips (or touch them frequently for no reason). Get yourself used to leaving them alone. Release the tightness. Over time, this will become natural behavior.


A man who keeps an “open” chest positively affects how people perceive him, especially when it comes to self-confidence. As part of the impact of constant preoccupation with the smartphone, not only our head drops but actually our entire upper body slouches.

The shoulders bend forward and give a “closed” appearance to the chest, as if the access to it is blocked. People translate a closed chest as a lack of confidence or lack of authenticity (“He hides something”).

You want to keep your chest open in most situations. That’s how you communicate to your environment that you can be trusted and that you’re not threatened by anyone. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Use every mirror. Here’s a challenging game for you: Each time you pass by a mirror, slow down and examine how much your chest is open. The best indication is the shoulders – the more rounded forward they are, the more your chest is closed. Correct yourself at any opportunity until you get used to the new posture.
    If you’re thinking “I don’t pass by mirrors that often”, I’ll mention that even a reflection from a parked car window is enough to check your posture.
  • Stretch your chest. Every morning, make sure to stretch your chest muscles. The wall is your best friend for this task. The modern lifestyle (for example, typing on a keyboard or browsing on a smartphone) requires us to regularly contract our chest muscles which leads to rounded shoulders. Stretching helps restore elasticity to the area.
    In addition, the very act of stretching your chest will alert your mind (daily, hopefully) to the importance of body language – and you’ll be more likely to keep it open and apply other postural fixes.
  • Sit straight. The pose with the most severe chest closure is done when we sit. Keep in mind that the purpose of sitting is mainly to rest your feet, not your erectors – they’re meant to keep you straight throughout the whole day.
    Stick your buttocks to the backrest, if there is one, and straighten your back so that your hips are 90 degrees to your belly.
    If you feel that this position is too formal (I totally understand), try crossing your legs, or extend your arm and hold the seat next to you, or both.
    Suddenly a healthy and attractive way of sitting feels much more natural.

A Warm Hug

The chest isn’t open for nothing. It invites people to interact with you, and even touch. After all, when communicating “I’m open and unthreatened” – you’ll sometimes have to prove it in practice as well. A heartfelt hug is one of the ways that has been lost over time in many societies, but the impact of hugs remains powerful.

A warm hug is something that men today avoid doing – really a pity.

A person who hugs actually says, “You’re invited to come very close and touch a sensitive part in my body (the heart and stomach, what the hell did you think?), because I’m not afraid of you and there’s affection between us“. When actually, a hug is an excellent opportunity to stab a person’s back with a knife. I believe that this is partly why this norm was created long ago – proof that we have no hatred, but complete trust.

When you meet a person with whom you have some degree of closeness, invite him to a warm hug with a big, authentic smile. It’s best to be done immediately after a handshake, in order to break the initial touch-barrier first. Who’s considered close enough to hug? Here’s a rough assessment:

  • In the informal field, friendships, etc. – a second meeting with a person.
  • In the formal field, work, etc. – a third meeting with a person.

These numbers are extremely arbitrary – trust your social instinct first and foremost. And still, reasonably seek a hug even if in doubt. The other person will almost always agree and go for it and the conversation will become easy and friendly.


Since the body is a chain of motion, that is, certain parts are affected by the movement of other parts in it – the back is affected by the chest’s position, and vice versa. Keeping an open chest necessarily means a “correct” upper back (not rounded or bent forward, but straight). So there’s no point in talking about the upper back after we’ve already covered the chest. Let’s examine the lower back.

Strengthening the Erectors

Sitting for many hours at work and at home, and the constant preoccupation with a smartphone makes life too easy for the spinal erectors. These are the muscles that are responsible for taking our upper body backwards so that we stand straight. Since these muscles rest way too much nowadays, they become weaker and weaker – the “use it or lose it” principle.

Here are two ways to strengthen your spinal erectors so they’ll always be ready to lift your torso. Expect to look taller and more confident.

  • Sit straight (again). While this is the same advice from the part on the open chest, it’s equally critical to the lower back. If you take advantage of sitting not only for resting your legs but also for resting your erectors, they may not get enough opportunities to get stronger.
    In the past, this wasn’t an issue. The lower back worked very hard throughout the day with all kinds of physical activities, and rest was required from time to time. Nowadays, we sit most of the time, so there’s no justification for giving the erectors a rest. Activate them even when you sit, and you’ll slowly get used to standing up straight.
  • Perform specific exercises. Many exercises directly or indirectly strengthen the spinal erectors. The most popular is the deadlift. The principle in most exercises designed to strengthen the lower back is either to activate these muscles in a wide range of motion and for many repetitions, or to make them resist heavy weight.
    If you work out in a gym (highly recommended), both options are open for you. If you train without equipment, you will probably have to use body weight and perform many repetitions. Here is a huge list of exercises to strengthen your spinal erectors. The stronger your lower back will be, the easier and natural it will be for you to stand up straight.

    You can clearly see the spinal erectors just above the pants.

Arms / Hands

I think it’s safe to say that your hands can completely transform the way you’re perceived as a man. They are extremely expressive, and I want you to learn how to make the most out of them and communicate dominance and alpha behavior.

What to Avoid

There are positions of the arms and hands that indicate weakness, defensiveness and low status. Let’s go through them:

  1. Crossing your arms. Remember we talked about opening your chest? When you cross your arms, you create a barrier between your chest and the environment. A blocked chest implies a lack of authenticity, or lack of confidence. As if you need to defend yourself against something. An alpha male usually isn’t wary of his surroundings, and you don’t want to communicate anything else.
    Another reason to avoid crossing your arms is the connotation that people get when they see this position – authority. Of course, displaying authority is necessary in certain situations (think of policemen, prison guards, commanders, etc.), but in everyday life? You’re not responsible for anyone and you have no real authority over any person. It’s better to convey openness and sociability. Keep your hands away from your chest.
  2. Hands in pockets. I’m not talking about a freezing night when you stick your hands deep into your pockets in an attempt to warm them up. In situations where there’s no clear physiological explanation (such as temperature), having your hands in your pockets is perceived by the environment as insecurity or an attempt to hide something.
    The logic here seems to be related to the fact that a hand in a pocket is limited in taking space (unlike an alpha who usually takes space). When your hands are out, they swing freely to the sides of your body. As a result, you exhibit a bold physical presence – alpha behavior by all accounts.
    Hands in pockets may be perceived by the environment as spatial restriction and an attempt to disappear in the crowd – which of course, is a distinct feature of a beta male.
  3. Holding an object in front of your chest. The best way to illustrate this situation is from a familiar situation: you’re at a party or an event, holding a cup. Most people will hold their cup (or other object) relatively high, in front of their chest or belly. And you probably do the same.
    But if you think about it, you’ll see that it’s a strange behavior – it requires more energy than holding the cup next to your body (by your waist), arm completely free. What do people gain from this extra effort? A sense of protection.
    The logic is the same as with crossing arms – when we feel unsafe, we will try to protect our chest and stomach. Of course a cup isn’t a real shield, but the psychological element is very strong here – creating a barrier between you and the person or place that makes you uncomfortable.
    Try walking around with your cup next to your body, just as if you aren’t holding one at all. Soon you will feel more relaxed and comfortable – your environment will definitely notice.

The more you avoid these hand positions, the more it becomes a natural habit and you’ll see how the attitude of the environment changes, and how your self-confidence becomes stronger.


A manly handshake is always on a healthy balance between the following two:

  1. Dead Fish Shake.
  2. Gorilla Death Grip.

Meaning, a handshake that is neither flabby nor extremely intense. As a man, if you still feel unsure about the precise strength of your handshake, I suggest you shake a bit harder than intended, just in case. The weak handshake conveys submissiveness or lack of interest. Also make sure to give the other person your whole hand, not just your fingers.

A handshake is your first business card – don’t screw it up.

You may be rolling your eyes while reading, but a handshake is much more important than it seems. Imagine that you’re in an important business meeting, and you reach an agreement that you both are very satisfied with. At the time of the final signing, you gladly say to the other person: “Excellent, let’s shake on it!” and offer your hand. He, on the other hand, says: “Nah, there’s no need, I agree to all the terms and I’ll sign whatever’s needed”. Apparently everything’s good, isn’t it? Well, chances are you won’t feel 100% comfortable with this deal.

A handshake, as part of human touch, is so rooted in us that its absence makes us suspect the other person. This logic is also true for bad handshakes, especially the weak ones. You want to feel that the other person is committed to a deal or an interaction just as you are.


The difference between a boring and interesting communication can be found solely in the hand movements that accompany it. Even if you tell the most amazing story that has been heard in the past decade, and the guy next to you will tell – with rich and diverse hand gestures – how he went to the grocery store yesterday and saw someone slipping on a banana – he will still be the more interesting guy, no question.

No surprise here, of course. We’re creatures that rely on vision much more than on other senses. If a story is accompanied by visual illustrations, it will capture the audience’s attention a lot more. Since we aren’t yet built out of screens, our hands are the way to make any statement extra powerful. A brief look at the best lecturers in the world can demonstrate the importance of using gestures.

When an alpha male speaks, there’s a strong tendency to listen exclusively to him. Create a similar effect with hand gestures relevant to your words – and when you catch the attention of your audience, the feeling of “alpha male talking now” will grow inside of them.


Even the legs say a lot about the status of a man. Here are some principles to keep in mind.

Spread While Standing

Most men try to keep their feet together and take as little space as possible. Since this behavior expresses serious weakness, you want to avoid reducing the space between your feet.

The problem that arises when men try to “escape” from beta behavior is over-compensation. Spreading like a glam guitarist from the 1980s. This of course looks ridiculous. So what’s the ideal space?

A decent measure for most men is feet that are slightly wider than the waist. Stand in front of a mirror and play with the spacing. I’m sure you’ll know by yourself what looks weak and what seems exaggerated.

Spread While Sitting

You’ve probably seen the media storming about the “manspearding phenomenon”, especially on buses. Obviously, feminists and the media can keep on screaming – yet an alpha male always does what he thinks is right.

If you aren’t comfortable closing your legs (after all, you are a male), spread your legs as much as you need. As long as you don’t physically disturb the people around you, there’s no reason to mind the stares and comments.

It’s not at all intuitive to being an alpha male in modern times, but it shouldn’t stop you from being an attractive and dominant man.


When men, especially big ones, stand directly in front of another person, they almost always cause some mini-panic, discomfort. It’s pretty understandable, that’s how people seem when they come to attack someone. We may be programmed to watch out for men who stand directly in front of us.

Therefore, save the frontal stance (pointing your feet, followed by the body, directly to the person you’re talking with) only for situations where you want to create a non-verbal threat. For example, if you’re in an authoritative position like a policeman, or when your interlocutor belittles you – a frontal stance somewhat forces him to recognize your presence and be careful.

In the rest of the time – that is, in most of your interactions – try keeping your legs at an angle that tilts slightly to the side. The other person will feel comfortable since you don’t challenge him / her.


After we’ve gone through each central part of ​​the body and its ability to express power and confidence, let’s talk about general behavior, vibe and the body as an entire unit.


If you don’t bring a certain level of enthusiasm and passion to the things you say, you leave a lot of charisma on the table. It’s very connected to the part about the gestures, but here the work is done not only with the hands. When you really are committed to your words, your entire body should be recruited to the purpose of conveying your message.

A lot of men don’t allow themselves to make grandiose gestures or behave in an animated manner, out of fear that it will damage their masculinity. There is, in this limitation, a glimmer of truth. Being a clown is really unattractive. And still, robotic, cold, James Bond-like behavior is just as bad, in my opinion.

Be enthusiastic through a strong belief in what you say – this way you’ll stand out immediately. And as long as you don’t exaggerate (with volume, movements and extreme facial expressions), your status as a man won’t go down. Besides, it’s absolutely more fun to act freely, and to hell with “masculinity” – it can wait.

Balanced Training

Ask men what part of their body they would like to build the most. 98% of the answers you’d receive will focus on the front of their body. Why? Because it’s the most visible and glorified side. When you take off your shirt and look at yourself in the mirror, there’s a low chance that you’ll immediately criticize your back and triceps. You’ll instead focus on what you easily see – mostly the chest, biceps and abdomen.

For this reason, a lot of men exercise and train these parts in much higher volume than they train their back side. The Latissimus and Posterior Deltoid are the main sufferers of this neglect. So what’s the problem? Muscular imbalance.

By training your chest 2 times more than you train your back, your shoulder blades will gradually move away from each other – which leads to rounded shoulders and closed chest. As I mentioned above, you want to keep your chest open and facing ahead.

The reason for this imbalance is quite simple: The chest that’s overly-trained becomes stronger, and pulls the whole complex to which it’s connected forward, and the back “surrenders” to the chest in this battle for balance – because it didn’t get enough training and remains weak. This logic also applies to other power balances in the body. Here are the main ones you want to pay attention to:

  • Chest – Upper back / Posterior shoulder.
  • Biceps – Triceps.
  • Abdomen – Spinal Erectors.

Maintain a balance between antagonistic muscles when you train. Do you see the men who start taking the form of a gorilla after a period at the gym? You don’t want to get there.


If I will tell you that every social interaction has the appropriate personal distance, according to the emotional closeness and the situation – I won’t teach you anything new. So I’ll leave out the issues that concern common sense and focus on a common problem men have – fear of closeness.

I’ll say it plainly: an alpha male is not afraid to get close to people and not afraid to have people get close to him. Imagine yourself approaching an amazingly beautiful girl and starting a conversation. 2 minutes into the interaction, and she comes close with her face to yours to whisper a secret. What do you feel? Here are the thoughts that would go through most men’s minds:

  • “Do I smell good?”
  • “She will see my pimples”
  • “Got to be careful not to touch her”

While a dominant man usually focuses on a completely different question: “Do I allow this?”. Obviously, the answer is almost always positive, but it’s important to illustrate the lack of recoil and self-confidence displayed by strong men when people get close to them.

Break the Touch Barrier

When you talk to a person, especially if it’s a woman, there’s an invisible wall between the two of you, which, as soon as it’s broken by touch, you begin to feel comfortable with each other.

Remember the part on handshakes above? We’re creatures that make a big deal out of touch – also subconsciously. Trust and strong bonds are created between people only through touch. You want to touch the people around you in every appropriate opportunity.

Touching men:

  • Don’t settle for a handshake. Go for a hug if the relationship allows it.
  • Formal situation? Instead of hugging, pat people on the top of their arm while handshaking.
  • When you tell a story or describe something, aspire to touch those who listen to you in a way that will illustrate the story. For instance, you say: “…so I looked at him and said: No, you will do it!”, with the word “you”, point to one of the listeners and pat him on the chest twice with your finger.

Touching women:

  • Look for opportunities to touch her hands. For example, in order to move to a shaded place, instead of saying “Let’s go there, it’s shaded”, you just take her hand and lead the way.
  • A little trick to break the touch barrier easily is to “pull something out” that’s caught in a girl’s hair. She will also be happy to know that she’s now “more presentable”.
  • Another way to make an initial contact is to ask how tall she is, and not believe her answer. To confirm that she isn’t lying, you make her stand (preferably use your hands and lead her instead of just talking) by your side and touch her shoulder with yours to measure height.
    Want to make it funny? Stand back to back (more contact), then complain that you can’t see the difference, and that her idea is stupid. Get ready for action.
  • Always aim for a hug from the second meeting onwards.

A man who dares to touch is seen by men as an earnest and dependable guy. In the eyes of women, such a man gets the status of a potential romantic partner. The prettier the woman, the more men are afraid to touch her. If you manage to be the man who breaks this barrier, and doesn’t see her as a goddess too divine to be touched by a man – she will appreciate you very much and there’s a high chance she’ll be attracted to you.

Determined Movements

As you’ve seen, men have movements and positions that convey strength and confidence, and there are also positions that show weakness and fear. Yet ultimately all movements will communicate “beta” if not performed decisively.

For example, a few lines ago I suggested you take a girl’s hand to lead her from place to place (instead of just talking). The act itself is very attractive, because it demonstrates initiative, courage, surprise and of course it breaks the touch barrier. But what if it was done hesitantly? What if your eyes ask for permission before you make the move? Boom. All magic is gone.

Can you see the importance of decisive, confident moves with a clear purpose? Try to adopt decisiveness in every conscious motion of your body. It’s a big demand, but with constant attention, your movements will slowly get a natural strength – because you’ll do things with complete decisiveness and zero hesitancy.

Think of your movements as a jump between two high rooftops. You can give up the idea and you’ll be fine. You can also do it and succeed. But don’t jump and hesitate midway, otherwise you will fall. If you make decision, go for it.

Does this mean you won’t make movements that are not in place? Of course you will. Everyone makes such mistakes. Just decide and act – and if you make a mistake, learn from it and move on. Don’t let hesitancy kill the refreshing, fun vibe of a dominant and attractive man.

“I’m Not Alpha, How Would Pretending Help Me?”

Such a great question. I regularly mention on the blog how pretense never pays in the real world, and that you must strive for inner change before everything – authenticity. Why did I emphasize behavior and body language here, and didn’t say a single word about developing your character, so that you’ll naturally build an alpha body language?

The reason is that with body language, physiologically, things are different. When we act like a figure of power and authority, we quickly feel empowered and authoritative. Act like it long enough and the feeling will become part of you – you will become a more attractive and dominant man, more alpha.

What’s amazing is that it’s not only psychological! People’s testosterone level increases significantly when they behave as high-status and confident. Proof that not only being high-status makes you behave like one – but also the other way around. It’s pretty amazing, so don’t underestimate the influence of body language, even on yourself.

How to Remember All This?

Okay, there’s a lot of information here, and I don’t expect you to remember everything 100%. But if there are any keywords that capture what an alpha male conveys with his body language, they will be:

  1. Proud. You have nothing to be ashamed of.
  2. Open. You are positive and social. You’re not defensive.
  3. Stable. You are decisive and you know what you’re doing. You won’t be moved by anyone.

Remember these three by the initials P.O.S, like in the word “position”. Positions and movements allow you to express yourself better and enrich your communication and presence in the world – this is the power of body language. Use it wisely.


I began the article by noting the critical importance of body language in a man’s life. It influences him on every path he takes, and with every person he meets. The alpha male knows how to use his body well, and it’s important that you also know how to use yours to convey confidence and high-status. I also briefly touched on the effects of strong body language on the attitude of men and women.

From there we plunged into the material, and I decided to map the main parts in the human body that you can use to create an impact on your environment. Including the head, eyes, chest, arms, hands, back, and legs. I also summed up important principles about the complex of the body in interpersonal interaction, and how attractive men make use of it for their benefit.

Then I answered the wonderful question, “Is this not faking it?“. And as one who strongly sponsors authenticity as a central alpha male trait, I still chose to focus on external behavior, because it also affects the inner feeling. Alpha male positions and movements create a biochemical response that gives us a real sense of status and power. So body language is a real case of “Fake it ’till you make it”.

In conclusion, I gave you a tip on how to remember all this information in one short word: P.O.S. Proud, open, stable. So even if you don’t remember exactly what to do with every part in the body at any given moment – these words will give you a general idea of how you’re supposed to feel. This way you can look at your position and movements, and your intuition probably won’t mislead you. After all, you too – just like everyone else – are a person who receives information and feelings from body language.

I really hope that I’ve been able to inspire you to observe the way you walk, sit, stand, talk, etc. With attention to these details and small corrections over time, you will see tremendous differences in people’s attitude and respect for you – and above all, in how you feel as an attractive and dominant man.

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